Suppressing the Environment listing beginning copssh session

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Suppressing the Environment listing beginning copssh session

I successfully installed Copssh on a Windows 7 Ultimate system from the file

I am connecting using public key authentication with a Putty v0.67 client and with MacOS OpenSSH_6.9p1, but I cannot find a way to suppress the listing of the Environment which is sent to stderr before ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile is run.

How can I suppress this dump of the ennvironment? Earlier versions of Copssh didn't do this.

Last seen: 32 min 18 sec ago
Joined: 01.05.2008 - 21:33


It's a kind of unwanted side effect when running the daemon in one concurrent connection mode. We may fix it in the future.

C. Mayo
Me Too

Just wanted to add my "me too" to this issue. Copssh is a nice tool and I appreciate that the free version is available, but dumping the environment to the error channel on every connection makes the utility a bit cumbersome to script with.

Me Too :)

We love CopSSH, but this totally broke how we use the tool.  :) 

Last seen: 32 min 18 sec ago
Joined: 01.05.2008 - 21:33


It's now been fixed. Please download the free edition 5.4.21 which should fix the problem.

You guys are awesome

The fix worked perfectly. Thanks a lot.  :)  

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